Mini courses usually last for 1-3 months. YMSC invites international top mathematicians to give mini-courses during their visits at YMSC. From 2010 to 2021, YMSC has opened a total of 502 mini-courses altogether, with an average of more than 50 courses each year.

Course name Speaker Date
Algorithm and Data structures for Mathematicians
EXPLICIT BIRATIONAL GEOMETRY Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy) 2025-04-02~2025-06-27
Wall-crossing and vertex algebras, in cohomology, K-theory, and beyond Henry Liu 刘华昕 (IPMU) 2025-04-01~2025-04-29
Stark's conjectures Mahesh Kakde (Indian Institute of Science) 2025-03-19~2025-06-25
Lectures on singularities Nero Budur (KU Leuven) 2025-04-22/24/28/29
The deformation theory and CR structures Takao Akahori (University of Hyogo) 2025-03-06~2025-05-29
Dispersive estimates for non-linear waves in mathematical General Relativity Sari Ghanem (BIMSA) 2025 Spring Semester
Orbifold modification of complex analytic varieties Wenhao Ou(IMCAS) 2024-12-2、12-3、12-9
Lectures on singularities Nero Budur (KU Leuven) 2025-01-07~2025-01-10
Introduction to Dynamical Renormalization Konstantin Khanin 2024-09-18 ~ 2024-12-11
High-dimensional data Analysis using greedy algorithms Ching-Kang Ing 2024-10-17/24
The Hitchin map and the spectral base Liu Jie(AMSS) 2024-10-08、2024-10-14
Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig theory through the example of SL(2,q) Cédric Bonnafé (CNRS) 2024-10-09~2024-10-30
Bayesian Statistics Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR) 2024-09-19~2024-09-26, 2024-10-08~2024-10-24
Comparison Geometry
Application of Calabi-Yau periods in scattering amplitudes Albrecht Klemm (University of Bonn) 2024-09-14/18/20
Topological invariants of gapped states of quantum spin systems Anton Kapustin (California Institute of Technology) 2024-09-11~2024-09-27
Lectures on the moduli space of abelian varieties Gerard van der Geer (University of Amsterdam) 2024-09-05~2024-10-24
Higgs bundles and the Labourie conjecture Peter Smillie 2024-09-02~2024-09-11
Introduction to EMRIs and Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detection with LISA Pau AMARO SEOANE (Universitat Politècnica de València) 2024-05-22~2024-06-05
Lectures on singularities Nero Budur (KU Leuven) 2024-05-27~2024-07-26
Lectures on 4-manifold theory Selman Akbulut 2024-05-09、2024-05-16
Explicit birational geometry Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy) 2024-05-07~2024-07-11
Lectures on link homology theories Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia University & Johns Hopkins University) 2024-04-10/18
Generalizations of the McKay correspondence Agustin Romano (National Autonomous University of Mexico) 2024-04-02~2024-04-26
An introduction to kimberlites Ian Gleason (Bonn University) 2024-03-13/14/15
Mathematical communication Yuval Peres, Andrew Best 2024-03-08~2024-05-10
Topics in probability for graduate students Yuval Peres 2024-03-08~2024-05-31
Opinion Dynamics Yuval Peres 2024-03-07~2024-05-30
Path homology and Hodge Laplacian on digraphs Alexander Grigor’yan (Univeristy of Bielefeld) 2024-02-26~2024-04-01
Igusa stacks and exotic Hecke correspondences Pol van Hoften (VU Amsterdam) 2024-01-16/18
Geometric representations of vertex algebras Gurbir Dhillon (Yale University) 2023-12-28~2024-01-04
Mini Course on Wave Turbulence Yu Deng (University of Southern California) 2023-11-22~2023-12-08
Affine invariants of curves and surfaces with singularities / Introduction to singularities and applications Stanislaw Janeczko (Warsaw University of Technology) 2023-12-05~2023-12-14
Recent advances in causal inference Peng Ding (UC Berkeley) 2023-12-04~2023-12-13
Topics in Coding Theory Fidel Nemenzo (University of the Philippines) 2023-11-10~2023-12-13
A finite dimensional algebra approach to quantum groups Stephen Doty (Loyola University Chicago) 2023-10-06~2023-10-27
The geometric Satake correspondence Thomas Haines (University of Maryland) 2023-10-07~2023-10-25
QUANTUM PHYSICS WITH AND WITHOUT PLANK CONSTANT Andrey Losev & Maxim Leyenson 2023-09-19~2024-01-18
Hodge theory in combinatorial geometry Botong Wang (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 2023-9-4~2023-9-13
Diophantine Approximation Nikolay Moshchevitin (Israel Institute of Technology) 2023-09-19~2024-01-25
Adversarial Risk Analysis Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR) 2023-09-06~2023-09-22
Lectures on Siegel modular forms Gerard van der Geer (University of Amsterdam) 2023-09-05~2023-10-26
Non-Abelian Hodge Theories and the Reductive Shafarevich Conjecture YA DENG(CNRS) 2023-08-24/25/28/29
The Mathematics of Internal Wave Attractors Wang Jian (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) 2023-06-19~2023-07-04
Minicourse on the Hodge conjecture James Lewis (University of Alberta, Canada) 2023-05-16~2023-05-30
Topics in causal inference Peng Ding (University of California, Berkeley) 2023-06-05~2023-07-26
Introduction to microlocal sheaves Michael McBreen (CUHK) 2023-05-16~2023-05-25
Indices of vector fields and Chern classes for singular varieties José Antonio Seade Kuri (UNAM) 2023-04-19~2023-05-12
Non-stationary Time Series Analysis Zhou Zhou (University of Toronto) 2023-04-13~2023-05-10
Recent Development around Atiyah Floer Conjecture Kenji Fukaya (Stony Brook University) 2023-02-27~2023-03-15
Core topics in modern number theory. I'. Ivan Fesenko (The University of Warwick) 2022-12-01~2023-06-15
Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig theory Prof. Cédric Bonnafé (Université de Montpellier) 2022-11-09~2022-12-23
Cycles on special fiber of Shimura varieties and arithmetic applications Prof. Liang Xiao (Peking University) 2022-10-22~2022-12-10 (updated)
Methods and Theory on Model Selection and Model Averaging (Continued) Prof. Yuhong Yang (University of Minnesota) 2022-10-13/20/21
Square-tiled surfaces and interval exchanges: geometry, dynamics, combinatorics and applications Prof. Anton Zorich (Université Paris Cité) 2022-09-27~2022-11-24
Methods and Theory on Model Selection and Model Averaging Prof.Yuhong Yang(University of Minnesota) 2022-09-21/22/29&10-06
Geometric Foundations for Metaverse Prof. Xianfeng Gu (Stony Brook University) 2022-08-01~2022-08-27
A brief introduction to Kahler-Ricci flow and Kahler-Ricci solitons Prof. Bin Guo (Rutgers University) 2022-07-18/20/25
Introduction to Information Geometry Prof. Jun Zhang (University of Michigan Ann Arbor) 2022-07-04~08-03
Recent developments on metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below Prof. Shouhei Honda (Tohoku University) 2022-07-26/27/28
Quantization proof of the uniform Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture Prof. Kewei Zhang (Beijing Normal University) 2022-07-11/12/13
Knot Theory Prof. Vassily Olegovich Manturov (Russian Academy of Sciences) 2022-05-12~2022-07-07
Combinatorics Prof. Jie Ma (USTC) 2022-05-10~2022-07-12
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Prof. Siu-Tat Chui (University of Delaware) 2022-04-14~2022-06-11
Panorama of Dynamics and Geometry of Moduli Spaces and Applications Prof. Anton Zorich (Université Paris Cité) 2022-04-05~2022-06-02
Mini-course on Springer theory for double affine Hecke algebras (1/3) Prof. Wille Liu (Max Planck Institute) 2022-3-15/22/29
Recent developments in Seiberg-Witten theory Prof. Hokuto Konno (University of Tokyo) 2022-3-16/24/28
Orbits of algebraic transformations Prof. Serge Cantat (University of Rennes 1) 2022-3-15~2022-6-2
Stochastic Analysis and its Applications Prof. Tadahisa Funaki (University of Tokyo) 2022-3-8~2022-6-10
YMSC/BIMSA Short Course: Perverse schobers Merlin Christ(University of Hamburg) 2022-2-23~2022-4-13
Anticanonically balanced metrics and the Hilbert-Mumford criterion Yoshinori Hashimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 2022-1-12/14/17
Perturbation problems for extremal Kähler metrics Lars Martin Sektnan (University of Gothenburg) 2021-12-6/7/8
Brief Introduction to Genera and Applications Professor Fei Han (National University of Singapore) 2021-12-04
Positivity of direct images and some applications in complex geometry Junyan Cao 2021-11-24
Singular constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics Kai Zheng (Tonji University) 2021-10-26
Hyperbolicity of moduli spaces of polarized varieties Ya Deng 2021-10-20
The formal moment map geometry of the space of symplectic connections Laurent La Fuente-Gravy 2021-09-06
Fourier multiplier techniques for partial differential equations Peter Wittwer 2021-08-11
Aspects of holography and irrelevant deformations Luis Apolo 2021-03-31