YMSC offers a series of public courses covering Algebra, Number Theory, Topology, Geometry and Geometric analysis, Imaging science, Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Statistics, and other frontiers in mathematics and interdisciplinary fields, providing students with a wealth of mathematical theoretical knowledge and exposing them to cutting-edge research in mathematics. Since 2010, YMSC has offered more than 200 public courses, an average of more than 10 courses each semester.
- Course name Speaker
- Advanced topics in General Relativity: The general relativistic Cauchy problem Piotr T. Chru´sciel
- Reading course seminar on “Non-linear Yau-Yau filter” Prof. Stephen Yau
- Advanced Methods in Geometric Analysis Yingying Zhang
- Fractal Geometry Sze-Man Ngai
- 【2025春】Applied Regression Analysis 应用回归分析 Prof. Per Johansson
- Convexity → Concentration → Data Science Jinshuo Dong
- Birational Geometry II Caucher Birkar
- An introduction to p-adic period domains Heng Du
- Creative Problem Solving Cezar LUPU (BIMSA)
- An Introduction to the Calderón Problem Li Li
- Introduction to 4-dimensional Seiberg-Witten theory Weifeng Sun
- Quantum Scientific Computation and Quantum Artificial Intelligence Jin-Peng Liu
- 【2024秋】Introduction and overview of symplectic geometry Kenji Fukaya
- 【2024春】Causal inference Per Johansson
- The Hodge-Tate period map on the perfectoid Shimura variety Yihang Zhu
- Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data Per Johansson
- Introduction to Geometric Langlands Theory Lin Chen
- Quantum information and computation Zi-Wen Liu
- Mathematical study on metamaterial and its applications Hongjie LI
- High-Dimensional Statistical Learning Theory Yuhong Yang
- Introduction to cluster algebras Dylan Allegretti
- 【2023秋】Game theory Yuval Peres
- Topics in Statistical Theory Yannis Yatracos
- Statistical Topics with Missing Data Donald Rubin
- 【2023春】Causal inference for statistics, social and biomedical sciences I Per Johansson
- Matched Sampling for Causal Inference Donald Rubin
- Topics in Statistics and Data Science Yannis Yatracos
- Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data Per Johansson
- Deep Generative Models Xie Pengtao
- Introduction to Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian Zhang Cheng
- Random Walks and Homogenization Theory Gu Chenlin
- Introduction to contact topology Gao Honghao
- Statistical Theory Yang Fan (F)
- Topics in random matrix theory Yang Fan (M)
- Introduction to geometric representation theory Su Changjian
- 【2022秋】Topics in p-adic Hodge theory Koji Shimizu
- Teichmuller spaces of negatively curved metrics 江怡
- Linear series on curves Xiang He
- Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data Donald Rubin & Per Johansson
- Birational Geometry I Caucher Birkar
- Four-dimensional topology Jianfeng Lin
- Vertex operator algebra and superconformal field theory Yan Wenbin
- An introduction to moduli spaces Wu Baosen
- Hodge Theory of Cubics Yu Chenglong
- Gauge Theory and the Geometric Langlands Program Philsang Yoo
- Derived functors in algebraic and birational geometry Will Donovan
- Modern Cryptography Jintai Ding & Bei Liang
- Automorphic representations and their applications Cai Li
- Causal inference for statistics, social and biomedical sciences Donald Rubin & Per Johansson
- 【2021 Spring】Introduction to Higher Topos Theory Diao Hansheng
- Matched Sampling for Causal Inference Donald Rubin
- Geometric class field theory Fu Lei
- Topics in Statistics Yannis Yatracos
- Topological Quantum Computation Babak Haghighat
- Mathematical Frameworks of Gauge-String Duality Lin Hai
- Braids and polynomials Chen Weiyan
- Topological Quantum Matters Qingrui Wang
- Quon Language for Quantum Information Zhengwei Liu
- Ricci curvature and Ricci flow on graphs Frank Bauer & Lin Yong
- Long Time Solutions to Vacuum Boundary Problems of Compressible Fluids Equations Zeng Huihui
- Arithmetic of cyclotomic fields and modular symbols Emmanuel Lecouturier
- Invariants of Knots and 3-manifolds Nicolai Reshetikhin
- Modern Cryptography and Blockchain Ding Jintai & Tao Chengdong
- Topics in Kähler geometry Akito Futaki
- Topics in the representation theory of vertex operator algebras Robert McRae
- Dynamics on Moduli Spaces Cheung Yitwah
- Micro-econometrics and causal inference Per Johansson