Introduction to contact topology

Teacher:Gao Honghao
Schedule:Wed./Fri., 9:50-11:25am, Oct.10-Dec.30,2022
Venue:近春园西楼第三会议室 Conference Room 3,Jin Chun Yuan West Bldg.

Target Audience:Undergraduate/Graduate students

Teaching Language:English


This is an introductory course to contact topology. We will give a first glance at topics in contact topology and its relationship with peripheral subjects such as knot theory and symplectic topology. The course will be suitable for advanced undergraduate students and PhD students.


Geiges, An Introduction to Contact Topology

Kashiwara and Schapira, Sheaves on Manifolds


Dr. Honghao Gao is an assistant professor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center.He obtained his PhD from Northwestern University. His area of research is contact and symplectic topology, and their relations with knot theory, microlocal sheaf theory and cluster algebras.