YMSC offers a series of public courses covering Algebra, Number Theory, Topology, Geometry and Geometric analysis, Imaging science, Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Statistics, and other frontiers in mathematics and interdisciplinary fields, providing students with a wealth of mathematical theoretical knowledge and exposing them to cutting-edge research in mathematics. Since 2010, YMSC has offered more than 200 public courses, an average of more than 10 courses each semester.
- Course name Speaker
- 【2020 Fall】Supersymmetric field theories in low dimensions Junya Yagi
- Microeconometrics: Identification and inference. Per Johansson
- Conformal field theory Chi-Ming Chang
- Purity, perversity and applications-1 Zongbin Chen
- Automorphic representations and analytic number theory on higher rank reductive Yueke Hu
- Topics in Kähler geometry Akito Futaki
- A second course in Theoretical Statistics Yannis Yatracos
- Recent development in partial differential equations Yang Lan
- Hodge structures and period maps Eduard Looijenga
- Topics in probability—statistical physics models Hao Wu & Jianping Jiang
- Introduction to Chevalley groups and Bruhat-Tits theory Chun Yin Hui
- 【2020 Spring】Mirror symmetry: categories and constructions Will Donovan
- Micro data econometrics Per Johansson
- Introduction to the monodromy groups of Galois representations Chun Yin Hui
- Introduction to categorification Tian Yin
- Topics on trace formula and relative local harmonic analysis Xu Bin、Cai Li
- 6d superconformal field theories HAGHIGHAT BABAK
- B-branes and related stuff Mauricio Romo
- Topics in the representations of groups Liu Yu、Wang Haoran
- Toric Geometry and Related Topics Zong Zhengyu
- Dynamics on Moduli Spaces Yitwah Cheung
- Langlands Program and conformal field theory Yuan Yao
- Introduction to Vertex Operator Algebras Robert McRae
- Mathematical Aspects of Gauge/Gravity Duality Lin Hai
- Distributed Computing Concepts: Towards PDE-related problems Qiu Lingyun
- Discrete geometric analysis and its application Lin Yong
- Introduction to characteristic classes Jiang Yi