Topics in probability—statistical physics models

Teacher :Hao Wu & Jianping Jiang
Schedule: Every Mon. / Wed. 9:50-11:25 2020-9-14 ~ 12-4
Venue:Online & Offline;Room 304, Jing Zhai


The course is divided into two parts. Part I is delivered by H. Wu and the topics are:

1.     Bernoulli bond percolation (2 lectures)

2.     Bernoulli site percolation and Cardy’s formula (6 lectures)

3.     Random cluster model (3 lectures)

4.     2D Ising model (3 lectures)

Part II is delivered by J. Jiang and the topics are:

1.     Ising model with external field (4 lectures)

2.     Random current representation of the Ising model (4 lectures)

3.     Gaussian free field (4 lectures)

4.     High-dimensional Ising model (4 lectures)


Probability: Ito’s formula.


Tencent meeting: 309 8797 6604 
(Dates: Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2)

Tencent meeting: 352 3278 9478 

(Dates: Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 14, 21, 28)

After Nov. 4th, it is at Room 304, Jing Zhai.