第一部分 丘成桐与中国数学
09:00-09:30 杨乐院士(中国科学院)
09:30-09:45 李骏院士(复旦大学)
09:45-10:00 辛周平教授(香港中文大学)
10:00-10:15 刘克峰教授(加州大学洛杉矶分校)
10:15-10:30 吴刚教授(东南大学)
第二部分 学术报告
11:00-12:00 Caucher Birkar教授(清华大学)
Title: Calabi-Yau geometry and beyond
Abstract: In this talk I will speak about Calabi-Yau varieties, a fundamental class of spaces in geometry. I will try to describe some results and notions, old and new.
Calabi-Yau geometry and beyond.pdf
13:30-14:30 Andrei Okounkov教授(哥伦比亚大学)
Title: The Eisenstein spectrum
Abstract: An important question in the theory of automorphic forms is to describe the spectrum of the Hecke operators acting on the subspace of L^2 spanned by the Eisenstein series. In a joint work with David Kazhdan, we approach this problem using ideas from equivariant cobordism. In it, the direct sum decomposition of the Hilbert space comes from a decomposition of a certain space in a suitable additive group of cobordisms. In the most basic case of a minimal parabolic and an unramified character, our methods give a complete geometric description of the spectrum, as I will explain in this talk.
14:30-15:30 Nicolai Reshetikhin教授(清华大学)
Title:Geometry emerging from chaos
Abstract:This talk is focused on the limit shape phenomenon.Typically this phenomenon is an emergence of a deterministic surface in a sequence of discrete random surfaces of increasing size. One of the most prominent examples where this phenomenon is studied are dimer models. We will review some of the known facts about limit shapes and fluctuations around them as well as some new developments.
Geometry emerging from chaos-1.pdf
Geometry emerging from chaos-2.pdf
15:50-16:50 李思教授(清华大学)
Title:Quantization and Chiral Index
Abstract:We present an effective BV quantization theory for chiral deformation of two dimensional conformal field theories. We construct a trace map on the elliptic chiral homology of the free beta gamma-bc system. This can be viewed as the vertex algebra analogue of the trace map in algebraic index theory. Joint work with Zhengping Gui.
Quantization and Chiral Index.pdf