Distinguished Lecture

Master Memorial Lecture Series

In 2011, YMSC launched Master Memorial Lecture Series named after four mathematicians of Tsinghua University: Shiing-Shen Chern, Loo-Keng Hua, PaoLu Hsu and Chia-Chiao Lin. Each series invites outstanding mathematicians deliver speech on research frontiers.

Shiing-Shen Chern Memorial Lectures

In honor of the fundamental contributions of Shiing-Shen Chern to Geometry and Topology

Loo-Keng Hua Memorial Lectures

In honor of the fundamental contributions of Loo-Keng Hua to Number Theory, Algebra and Analysis.

Pao-Lu Hsu Memorial Lectures

In honor of the fundamental contributions of Pao-Lu Hsu to Statistics and Probability.

Chia-Chiao Lin Memorial Lectures

In honor of the pioneering achievement of Chia-Chiao Lin in applied mathematics. Since 2011, 39 influential mathematicians in the world have been invited to deliver 89 academic lectures, including 4 Fields Medalists-Professor Cedric Villani at Université de Lyon, Professor Vaughan Jones at Vanderbilt University, and Professor Laurent Lafforgue at IHES, Professor Caucher Birkar from University of Cambridge.

Chen-Ying Chiou Distinguished Lectures

The Chen-Ying Chiou Distinguished Lecture was founded in 2007 by Professor Shing-Tung Yau in honor of his father Chen-Ying Chiou.

Yip Shing Yiu and Yip Chia-Chi Sponsorship Lectures

The Yip Shing Yiu and Yip Chia-Chi Sponsorship Lecture was founded in 2019 by celebrated scholar Yip Shing Yiu and his son Yip Chia-Chi. This lecture series invite world famous professors to give speech in the areas of mathematics, physics, philosophy and psychology and so on.

Hermann Weyl Lectures

The Hermann Weyl Distinguished Lecture was founded in 2024 in hornor of his fundamental contributions to mathematical physics, including quantum field theory, general relativity, quantum mechanics.

Shiing-Shen Chern Memorial Lectures

Twistor families of connections, Higgs bundle calculations and applications to spectral varieties in the geometric Langlands correspondence

Carlos Simpson

Tues., 10:30-11:30 am, May 28, 2024; Thur., 4:30-5:30 pm, May 30, 2024

Introductory lecture on Kähler and Calabi-Yau geometry

Claire Voisin

Wednesday 16:30-17:30,2017-10-18

Von Neumann algebras and free groups

Stefaan Vaes

Tue 16:00-17:00, 2019-9-10

Deformation types of hyper-Kähler manifolds via degeneration

Claire Voisin

Wednesday 16:30-17:30,2017-10-25

An introduction to von Neumann algebras and measurable group theory

Stefaan Vaes

Fri 16:00-17:00, 2019-9-6

Bernoulli actions of type III

Stefaan Vaes

Fri 16:00-17:00, 2019-9-13

Classification problems in operator algebras and ergodic theory

Stefaan Vaes

Tue 16:00-17:00,2019-9-3

Constructing hyper-Kähler manifolds from algebraic geometry

Claire Voisin

Monday 16:30-17:30,2017-10-23

Hodge theory: applications to deformation theory and topology

Claire Voisin

Friday 16:30-17:30,2017-10-20

Loo-Keng Hua Memorial Lectures

Loo-Keng Hua Distinguished Lectures

David Nadler (University of California, Berkeley)

Wed. & Thur., 16:30-17:30. Dec. 25/26, 2024

Applications of quantum cohomology to birational geometry

Maxim Kontsevich

16:30-17:30, 2024-03-21/27

Classical geometric class field theory

Laurent Fargues


The fundamental curve of p-adic Hodge theory

Laurent Fargues

Monday 16:30-17:30,2018-4-9

Structure of the Picard stack of line bundles on the curve and of the Hilbert di

Laurent Fargues


Rigid analytic modular cocycles

Henri Darmon

Thursday 16:30-17:30,2017-6-15

Modular forms and class field theory

Henri Darmon


Structure of the Abel-Jacobi morphism and local class field theory

Laurent Fargues

Thursday 16:30-17:30,2018-4-12

["2", "4"]

Dennis Gaitsgory

9:00-10:00 pm,2021-12-2/7/9

On Finiteness of Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

Caucher Birkar

Tue 10:00-11:00, 2019-8-13

L-functions and Arithmetic Intersection Numbers


Tuesday\Thursday14:00-15:00,2019-3-26 & 28

Pao-Lu Hsu Memorial Lectures

Tackling genomic testing in the presence of unmeasured confounding and missing data

Kathryn Roeder

Thur., 10:00-11:00 am, July 11, 2024

How data science and machine learning interpret genomic data and contribute to personalized medicine

Kathryn Roeder

Tues., 16:30-17:30, July 9, 2024

Covariance Estimation in light of the Spiked Covariance Model & 50 Years of

Yoav Benjamini

Wednesday 16:30-17:30,2017-5-31

From Blackboard to Bedside: How High Dimensional Geometry is Transforming the Me

David Donoho

Saturday 14:00-15:00,2018-3-17

Are most research findings really false?

Yoav Benjamini

Wednesday 16:30-17:30,2017-5-31

Selective Inference in hierarchical high dimensional data analysis

Yoav Benjamini

Friday 16:30-17:30,2017-6-2

Probabilistic Projection of Carbon Emissions and Global Temperature

Adrian E. Raftery

Wed 16:30-17:30,2019-10-9

Chia-Chiao Lin Memorial Lectures

Bjorn Engquist

Computational Multiscale Modeling

Bjorn Engquist

Tues. & Thur., 16:30-17:30, Nov. 26/28, 2024

The Long March toward the Understanding of the Fundamental Nature of GRBs

Yu Wang

Wednesday 17:30-18:30,2018-12-12

On the Relativistic Astrophysics Domains

Remo Ruffini

Sunday 16:30-17:30,2018-12-9

Hydrodynamics and optimal transport: from Euler to Monge and vice versa

Yann Brenier

Friday 17:30-18:30,2017-10-13

Bosons and Fermions in Relativistic Astrophysics

Jorge Rueda

Monday 15:20-16:20,2018-12-10

Chen-Ying Chiou Distinguished Lectures

Random scribbling or random cutting

Wendelin Werner

Monday 16:30-17:30,2017-11-27

The Eight Different GRB Families

She-Sheng Xue,Rahim Moradi

Thursday 17:30-18:30,2018-12-13

Yip Shing Yiu and Yip Chia-Chi Sponsorship Lectures


Qiufu Ma

Thursday 12:00-13:00,2023-3-30


Yifang Wang

Wednesday 19:30-20:30,2019-6-26

Hermann Weyl Distinguished Lectures

Hermann Weyl Distinguished Lectures

Hirosi Ooguri (California Institute of Technology & University of Tokyo)

Thur.& Fri., 16:00-17:00, Dec. 12/13, 2024