Alex Blumenthal-Lecture 1.pdf
Alex Blumenthal-Lecture 2.pdf
Alex Blumenthal-Lecture 3.pdf
Yuri Lima-Lecture.pdf
The modern dynamical systems is a rapidly developing field which interacts deeply with other branches of mathematics including geometry, topology, probability, number theory, etc, besides the original interests in mechanics.
In this summer school, we invite active young researchers to give minicourses on the following subjects:
Statistical properties of dynamical systems,
Teichmuller dynamics, translation surfaces.
Homogeneous dynamics, theomodynamics formalism.
Nonuniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems,
Elliptic dynamical systems (circle maps, renormalizations).
The lectures are supposed to start from very elementary materials. The target students are third and fourth year undergraduate students and first two years graduate students. Researchers of other stages of their careers are also welcome to participate.
For all students, we will provide per diem up to 100 RMB per day. For students outside Beijing, we will provide lodging allowances up to 500 RMB per day and allowance to cover the trip to Beijing.
Time: July 1-July 14, 2019
Alex Blumenthal (University of Maryland & Georgia Tech)
Yitwah Cheung (YMSC, Tsinghua University)
Simion Filip (Clay Institute & Harvard University)
Yuri Lima (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil)
Zhiyuan Zhang (IAS & CNRS )
Guan Huang,
Jinxin Xue,
Application procedure:
For graduate students, please ask the advisor to send a short email to either of the above organizers expressing the wish to attend.
For undergraduate students, please send us an email directly with a CV attached.