学者姓名 研究方向 单位 到访时间 电子邮件
Carlos Simpson Algebraic Geometry Université Côte d' Azur 2024.05.26-2024.05.31 Carlos.Simpson@unice.fr
Nero Budur Algebraic Geometry KU Leuven 2024.05.21-2024.07.28 nerobudur@gmail.com
Florin Ambro Algebraic Geometry Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy 2024.05.05-2024.07.31 florin.ambro@gmail.com
Mikhail Khovanov Mathematics Columbia University 2024.04.03-2024.05.05 khovanov@math.columbia.edu
Agustin Romano Singularity theory, algebraic geometry National Autonomous University of Mexico 2024.04.01-2024.04.30 agustin.romano@im.unam.mx
José Antonio Seade Kuri Singularities theory and complex geometry UNAM 2024.03.22-2024.05.11 jseade@im.unam.mx
Vladimir Markovic Mathematics University of Oxford 2024.03.13-2024.04.03 markovic@maths.ox.ac.uk
Alexander Grigor'yan Geometric Analysis Univeristy of Bielefeld 2024.02.24-2024.04.06 grigor@math.uni-bielefeld.de
Pol van Hoften Mathematics VU Amsterdam 2024.01.09-2024.01.20 p.van.hoften@vu.nl
Du Pei Quantum mathematics University of Southern Denmark 2023.12.18-2024.02.29 dpei@imada.sdu.dk
Fidel Nemenzo Coding Theory, Number Theory University of the Philippines 2023.10.13-2023.12.19 frnemenzo@up.upd.edu
Thomas J. Haines Mathematics University of Maryland 2023.10.03-2023.10.29 tjh@umd.edu
Jun Zhang Cognitive Psychology, AI The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 2023.09.15-2024.02.29 junz@umich.edu
Jie Ma Extremal Combinatorics, Graph Theory, etc University of Science and Technology of China 2023.09.15-2023.12.31 jiema@ustc.edu.cn
Fabrizio Ruggeri Bayesian Statistics and applications, Decision Analysis National Research Council of Italy 2023.09.01-2023.09.27 fabrizio@mi.imati.cnr.it
Gerard van der Geer Algebraic geometry, modular forms University of Amsterdam 2023.09.01-2023.10.31 g.b.m.vandergeer@uva.nl
Christian Maire Mathematics University of Franche-Comté 2023.08.11-2023.08.31 christian.maire@univ-fcomte.fr
Nikolay Moshchevitin Mathematics Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) 2023.08.01-2024.02.29 moshchevitin@gmail.com
Zhigang Yao Statistical and mathematical sciences; the interface between statistics and geometry National University of Singapore 2023.06.01-2023.07.31 zhigang.yao@nus.edu.sg
Peng Ding Statistics University of California, Berkeley 2023.05.22-2023.08.13 pengdingpku@berkeley.edu
Du Pei Theoretical physics, mathematical physics University of Southern Denmark 2023.04.18-2023.08.15 dpei@imada.sdu.dk
José Antonio Seade Kuri Geometry, singularity theory National Autonomous University of Mexico 2023.04.12-2023.05.12 jseade@im.unam.mx
Ivan Fesenko Number theory University of Warwick 2022.10.25-2023.08.31 Ivan.Fesenko@warwick.ac.uk