- 课程名称 任课教师
- Advanced topics in General Relativity: The general relativistic Cauchy problem Piotr T. Chru´sciel
- Reading course seminar on “Non-linear Yau-Yau filter” Prof. Stephen Yau
- Birational Geometry II Caucher Birkar
- Advanced Methods in Geometric Analysis Yingying Zhang
- Fractal Geometry Sze-Man Ngai
- 【2025春】Applied Regression Analysis 应用回归分析 Prof. Per Johansson
- Convexity → Concentration → Data Science Jinshuo Dong
- An introduction to p-adic period domains Heng Du
- Creative Problem Solving Cezar LUPU (BIMSA)
- An Introduction to the Calderón Problem Li Li
- Introduction to 4-dimensional Seiberg-Witten theory Weifeng Sun
- Comparison Geometry Zhifei Zhu
- Quantum Scientific Computation and Quantum Artificial Intelligence Jin-Peng Liu
- 【2024秋】Introduction and overview of symplectic geometry Kenji Fukaya
- 【2024春】Causal inference Per Johansson
- The Hodge-Tate period map on the perfectoid Shimura variety Yihang Zhu
- Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data Per Johansson
- Introduction to Geometric Langlands Theory Lin Chen
- Quantum information and computation Zi-Wen Liu
- Mathematical study on metamaterial and its applications Hongjie LI
- High-Dimensional Statistical Learning Theory Yuhong Yang
- Introduction to cluster algebras Dylan Allegretti
- 【2023秋】Game theory Yuval Peres
- Topics in Statistical Theory Yannis Yatracos
- Statistical Topics with Missing Data Donald Rubin
- 【2023春】Causal inference for statistics, social and biomedical sciences I Per Johansson
- Matched Sampling for Causal Inference Donald Rubin
- Topics in Statistics and Data Science Yannis Yatracos
- Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data Per Johansson
- Deep Generative Models Xie Pengtao
- Introduction to Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian Zhang Cheng
- Random Walks and Homogenization Theory Gu Chenlin
- Introduction to contact topology Gao Honghao
- Statistical Theory Yang Fan (F)
- Topics in random matrix theory Yang Fan (M)
- Introduction to geometric representation theory Su Changjian
- 【2022秋】Topics in p-adic Hodge theory Koji Shimizu