
短期课程学习周期1-3月不等,授课教师以短期到中心访问的国内外学者以及中心兼职教师为主, 主要介绍数学及相关领域研究最新前沿和知识。短期课程面向校内外师生开放。

课程名称 主讲人 课程日期
Lectures on singularities Nero Budur (KU Leuven) 2025-04-22/24/28/29
EXPLICIT BIRATIONAL GEOMETRY Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy) 2025-04-02~2025-06-27
Wall-crossing and vertex algebras, in cohomology, K-theory, and beyond Henry Liu 刘华昕 (IPMU) 2025-04-01~2025-04-29
Stark's conjectures Mahesh Kakde (Indian Institute of Science) 2025-03-19~2025-06-25
The deformation theory and CR structures Takao Akahori (University of Hyogo) 2025-03-06~2025-05-29
Dispersive estimates for non-linear waves in mathematical General Relativity Sari Ghanem (BIMSA) 2025 Spring Semester
Lectures on singularities Nero Budur (KU Leuven) 2025-01-07~2025-01-10
Statistical Advancement on Dimension Reduction and Clustering Wen Zhou (New York University) 2024-12-23~2024-12-27
Orbifold modification of complex analytic varieties 欧文浩(中科院数学研究所) 2024-12-2、12-3、12-9
Best Lipschitz maps Georgios DASKALOPOULOS (Brown) 2024/10/17,18,21,24
Introduction to Dynamical Renormalization Konstantin Khanin 2024-09-18 ~ 2024-12-11
High-dimensional data Analysis using greedy algorithms Ching-Kang Ing 2024-10-17/24
The Hitchin map and the spectral base 刘杰(中科院数学研究所) 2024-10-08、2024-10-14
Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig theory through the example of SL(2,q) Cédric Bonnafé (CNRS) 2024-10-09~2024-10-30
Bayesian Statistics Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR) 2024-09-19~2024-09-26, 2024-10-08~2024-10-24
Application of Calabi-Yau periods in scattering amplitudes Albrecht Klemm (University of Bonn) 2024-09-14/18/20
Topological invariants of gapped states of quantum spin systems Anton Kapustin (California Institute of Technology) 2024-09-11~2024-09-27
Lectures on the moduli space of abelian varieties Gerard van der Geer (University of Amsterdam) 2024-09-05~2024-10-24
Higgs bundles and the Labourie conjecture Peter Smillie 2024-09-02~2024-09-11
计算共形几何 顾险峰(纽约州立大学石溪分校) 2024-06-29~2024-08-31
Introduction to EMRIs and Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detection with LISA Pau AMARO SEOANE (Universitat Politècnica de València) 2024-05-22~2024-06-05
Lectures on singularities Nero Budur (KU Leuven) 2024-05-27~2024-07-26
Lectures on 4-manifold theory Selman Akbulut 2024-05-09、2024-05-16
Explicit birational geometry Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy) 2024-05-07~2024-07-11
Lectures on link homology theories Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia University & Johns Hopkins University) 2024-04-10/18
Generalizations of the McKay correspondence Agustin Romano (National Autonomous University of Mexico) 2024-04-02~2024-04-26
An introduction to kimberlites Ian Gleason (Bonn University) 2024-03-13/14/15
多复变函数及其应用 邓富声教授(中国科学院大学) 2024-03-09~2024-05-12
Mathematical communication Yuval Peres, Andrew Best 2024-03-08~2024-05-10
Topics in probability for graduate students Yuval Peres 2024-03-08~2024-05-31
Opinion Dynamics Yuval Peres 2024-03-07~2024-05-30
Path homology and Hodge Laplacian on digraphs Alexander Grigor’yan (Univeristy of Bielefeld) 2024-02-26~2024-04-01
Igusa stacks and exotic Hecke correspondences Pol van Hoften (VU Amsterdam) 2024-01-16/18
Geometric representations of vertex algebras Gurbir Dhillon (Yale University) 2023-12-28~2024-01-04
Affine invariants of curves and surfaces with singularities / Introduction to singularities and applications Stanislaw Janeczko (Warsaw University of Technology) 2023-12-05~2023-12-14
Recent advances in causal inference Peng Ding (UC Berkeley) 2023-12-04~2023-12-13
Mini Course on Wave Turbulence Yu Deng (University of Southern California) 2023-11-22~2023-12-08
Topics in Coding Theory Fidel Nemenzo (University of the Philippines) 2023-11-10~2023-12-13
The geometric Satake correspondence Thomas Haines (University of Maryland) 2023-10-07~2023-10-25
A finite dimensional algebra approach to quantum groups Stephen Doty (Loyola University Chicago) 2023-10-06~2023-10-27
QUANTUM PHYSICS WITH AND WITHOUT PLANK CONSTANT Andrey Losev & Maxim Leyenson 2023-09-19~2024-01-18
Diophantine Approximation Nikolay Moshchevitin (Israel Institute of Technology) 2023-09-19~2024-01-25
Adversarial Risk Analysis Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR) 2023-09-06~2023-09-22
Lectures on Siegel modular forms Gerard van der Geer (University of Amsterdam) 2023-09-05~2023-10-26
Hodge theory in combinatorial geometry. 王博潼(威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校) 2023-9-4~2023-9-13
Non-Abelian Hodge Theories and the Reductive Shafarevich Conjecture 邓亚(CNRS) 2023-08-24/25/28/29
计算共形几何 顾险峰(纽约州立大学石溪分校) 2023-08-07~
The Mathematics of Internal Wave Attractors Wang Jian (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) 2023-06-19~2023-07-04
Topics in causal inference Peng Ding (University of California, Berkeley) 2023-06-05~2023-07-26
Minicourse on the Hodge conjecture James Lewis (University of Alberta, Canada) 2023-05-16~2023-05-30
Introduction to microlocal sheaves Michael McBreen (CUHK) 2023-05-16~2023-05-25
Indices of vector fields and Chern classes for singular varieties José Antonio Seade Kuri (UNAM) 2023-04-19~2023-05-12
Non-stationary Time Series Analysis Zhou Zhou (University of Toronto) 2023-04-13~2023-05-10
Recent Development around Atiyah Floer Conjecture Kenji Fukaya (Stony Brook University) 2023-02-27~2023-03-15
Core topics in modern number theory. I'. Ivan Fesenko (The University of Warwick) 2022-12-01~2023-06-15
Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig theory Prof. Cédric Bonnafé (Université de Montpellier) 2022-11-09~2022-12-23
Cycles on special fiber of Shimura varieties and arithmetic applications Prof. Liang Xiao (Peking University) 2022-10-22~2022-12-10 (updated)
Methods and Theory on Model Selection and Model Averaging (Continued) Prof. Yuhong Yang (University of Minnesota) 2022-10-13/20/21
Square-tiled surfaces and interval exchanges: geometry, dynamics, combinatorics and applications Prof. Anton Zorich (Université Paris Cité) 2022-09-27~2022-11-24
Methods and Theory on Model Selection and Model Averaging Prof.Yuhong Yang(University of Minnesota) 2022-09-21/22/29&10-06
Geometric Foundations for Metaverse Prof. Xianfeng Gu (Stony Brook University) 2022-08-01~2022-08-27
A brief introduction to Kahler-Ricci flow and Kahler-Ricci solitons Prof. Bin Guo (Rutgers University) 2022-07-18/20/25
Introduction to Information Geometry Prof. Jun Zhang (University of Michigan Ann Arbor) 2022-07-04~08-03
Recent developments on metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below Prof. Shouhei Honda (Tohoku University) 2022-07-26/27/28
Quantization proof of the uniform Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture Prof. Kewei Zhang (Beijing Normal University) 2022-07-11/12/13
Knot Theory Prof. Vassily Olegovich Manturov (Russian Academy of Sciences) 2022-05-12~2022-07-07
Combinatorics Prof. Jie Ma (USTC) 2022-05-10~2022-07-12
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Prof. Siu-Tat Chui (University of Delaware) 2022-04-14~2022-06-11
Panorama of Dynamics and Geometry of Moduli Spaces and Applications Prof. Anton Zorich (Université Paris Cité) 2022-04-05~2022-06-02
Mini-course on Springer theory for double affine Hecke algebras (1/3) Prof. Wille Liu (Max Planck Institute) 2022-3-15/22/29
Recent developments in Seiberg-Witten theory Prof. Hokuto Konno (University of Tokyo) 2022-3-16/24/28
Orbits of algebraic transformations Prof. Serge Cantat (University of Rennes 1) 2022-3-15~2022-6-2
Stochastic Analysis and its Applications Prof. Tadahisa Funaki (University of Tokyo) 2022-3-8~2022-6-10
YMSC/BIMSA Short Course: Perverse schobers Merlin Christ(University of Hamburg) 2022-2-23~2022-4-13
Anticanonically balanced metrics and the Hilbert-Mumford criterion Yoshinori Hashimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 2022-1-12/14/17