Seminal Ideas and Controversies in the History of Statistics

Speaker:Roderick Little
Schedule: 每周二、四、五09:50-11:25,2019-3-26 ~ 4-4


Statistics has developed as a field through seminal papers and fascinating controversies. Seminal ideas and controversies in statistics will be reviewed and discussed.  Students will be assigned to present and discuss key papers, with the aid of later commentaries in the literature that help elucidate the issues. The goal is to expand knowledge of the statistics literature and encourage a historical perspective. A list of papers to be covered is given below; in additional to original papers there are some more recent commentaries that provides a modern perspective. Topics are arranged in two groupings: (a) seminal problems in statistical analysis, and  (b) philosophy of statistics. The instructor will also present summaries of the topics covered.

Participants will be provided a few basic discussion questions about the assigned paper or papers. Also, “lead presenters” will prepare and deliver a brief presentation summarizing each topic and paper(s). This presentation to focus on the main ideas and not detailed descriptions – the goal is to have an open discussion. For the class to work it is essential that participants read and think about the assigned material, participate in class discussions, and form their own opinions on the discussion questions – often there is no “right” answer.


This is a doctoral level course in (bio)statistics. Students are expected to have a good understanding of the theory and application of statistics, at a masters' degree level.
