Workshop on algebraic geometry

Organizer:Caucher Birkar, Artan Sheshmani
Time:2023-12-22 ~ 2023-12-26


Organisers: Caucher Birkar, Artan Sheshmani 

Date: Dec. 22-26, 2023

Venue: Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum

Zoom ID: 262 865 5007


The purpose of this international workshop is to review some of the advances in algebraic geometry in recent years. We hope to cover areas as wide as birational geometry, moduli theory, enumerative geometry, mirror symmetry and related topics and hope to foster further connections between these areas.



Caucher Birkar(Tsinghua University)
Artan Sheshmani(BIMSA)
Mao Sheng (Tsinghua University)
Alexey Bondal (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Yuji Tanaka (Kyoto University)

Jeongseok Oh (lmperial College)
JongHae Keum (KIAS)
Jihao Liu (Northwestern)
Seung-Joo Lee (IBS)


We offer free accommodation and food for a limited number of attendees, including professors, postdocs, and students. We will also offer to cover travel expenses such as Air and train tickets