AdS Journal Club

Speaker:Pengxiang Hao
Organizer:Pengxiang Hao, Kevin Loo
Time:11:30 am (Beijing time), Friday
Venue:W11, Ning Zhai building

Upcoming talk:

Title: Quantum Liouville theory

Speaker: Pengxiang Hao

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Nov.4th(Friday), 2022

Abstract: I will talk about the Liouville theory for itself, without referring to its origin. In particular, I will focus on the quantum aspect including the quantization, central charge, states, operators and correlation functions. A semi-classical picture will also be introduced.

References: hep-th/0402009, hep-th/9304011

Past talks:

Title: 2D gravity and random matrices

Speaker: Kangning Liu

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Oct. 28th(Friday), 2022

Abstract:I will talk about the triangulation approach to calculate 2D gravitational partition function, its relation with matrix model, and some techniques to solve matrix model partition function.

References: hep-th/9306153

Title: Matrix theory and membrane

Speaker: Zhengyuan Du

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Oct. 21st (Friday), 2022

Abstract:I will talk about the matrix theory action from the membrane action. Then I will talk about the M-theory object from matrix theory.

References: (1)hep-th:0002016(2)1708.00734

Title: Introduction to the BMS_3 symmetry

Speaker: Zehua Xiao

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Oct. 14th (Friday), 2022

Abstract: In this talk, I will briefly introduce the 3D Poincare algebra and the Poincare symmetry at positive null infinity. I will focus on the asymptotic Einstein Gravity in 3D, then introduce the BMS group. If time is enough, I will briefly introduce the flat limits techniques.

References: 1610.08526, 1508.00920, 1001.1541

Title: Introduction to the BFSS matrix theory

Speaker: Wenxin Lai

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Oct. 9th (Sunday), 2022

Abstract: In this talk, I will give a very brief introduction to the BFSS M(atrix) Theory and try to explore the motivation, evidence for this model as a first example of holographic duality. Refs: hep-th/9610043, hep-th/9510135

Title:Towards the non-perturbative cosmological bootstrap

Speaker: Reiko Liu

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Sep. 30th (Friday), 2022

Abstract: I'll talk about the properties of late-time correlators in dS spacetime, including the late-time expansion of bulk operators and the Källen-Lehmann spectral decomposition of two-point functions. Ref: 2107.13871

Title: Carrollian perspective on celestial CFT

Speaker: Xianjin Xie

Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm (Beijing time), Sep. 16th (Friday), 2022

Abstract: The first goal is to show the same kinematic properties between 4d asymptotical spacetime and 3d sourced conformal Carrollian field theory(CCarrFT). Then show that the Ward identities of the sourced CCarrFT reproduce the BMS Ward identities of the celestial CFT after performing a certain integral transformations.  Ref: 2202.04702