Research Areas
Four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories with boundaries, string theoretic construction of gauge theories.
2024.11 - 2021.10 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Trieste (with Professor Lorenzo Di Pietro and Professor Roberto Valandro)
2021.07 - 2019.09 B.S. in Theoretical Physics, University of Turin (with Professor Marco Billò)
2019.07 - 2016.09 B.S. in Physics, University of Turin (with Professor Guido Magnano)
1. θ-diagram technique for N = 1, d=4 superfields (with Marco Billò), Published in: Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023).
2. BCFT One-point Functions of Coulomb Branch Operators (with Lorenzo Di Pietro, Roberto Valandro and Jesse van Muiden), Published in: JHEP 08 (2024) 210.