Office:Ning Zhai S09
I am a mathematician working in areas related to 2d conformal field theories, including vertex operator algebras, conformal nets (more generally, algebraic quantum field thoery, which uses the methods of von Neumann algebras and subfactors), tensor categories, etc.
See my personal website
Selected publications and preprints (see my personal webpage for a complete list of publications):
[1] Unitarity of The Modular Tensor Categories Associated to Unitary Vertex Operator Algebras, I, Comm. Math. Phys., (2019) 366(1), pp.333-396.
[2] Unitarity of The Modular Tensor Categories Associated to Unitary Vertex Operator Algebras, II, Comm. Math. Phys., (2019) 372: 893-950.
[3] Energy Bounds Condition for Intertwining Operators of Type B, C, and G_2 unitary affine vertex operator algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 372 (2019), 7371-7424.
[4] Categorical Extensions of Conformal Nets, Comm. Math. Phys., 383, 763-839 (2021)
[5] Q-systems and extensions of completely unitary vertex operator algebras, to appear in Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN.
[6] Bisognano-Wichmann Property for Rigid Categorical Extensions and Non-local Extensions of Conformal Nets, to appear in Ann. Henri Poincaré.
[7] Unbounded Field Operators in Categorical Extensions of Conformal Nets, submitted. arXiv:2001.03095
[8] Convergence of Sewing Conformal Blocks, submitted. arXiv:2011.07450