
  1. (With A.      Ionescu, B.      Pausader, K. Widmayer) On the stability of homogeneous      equilibria in the Vlasov-Poisson system on R^3, preprint,      2023.

  2. Gobal solution of 3D anisotropic wave equations      with same speed in one direction, preprint,      2023

  3. Global stability of the Minkowski spacetime for the      Einstein-Vlasov system, 98 pages, preprint,      2022

  4. (With A.      Ionescu, B.      Pausader, K. Widmayer) Nonlinear Landau damping for      the Vlasov-Poisson system in R^3: the Poisson equilibrium, preprint,      2022.

  5. Global solution of the 3D relativistic      Vlasov-Maxwell system for large data with cylindrical symmetry, 113 pages, preprint,      2022.

  6. Global solution of the 3D relativistic      Vlasov-Poisson system for a class of large data, preprint,      2022.


Published papers:

Please note that the published papers might be slightly different from the preprints.

  1. Remarks on the large data global solutions of 3D      RVP system and 3D RVM system, arXiv, Discrete      and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, online      first,      2023.

  2. Decay estimates for the 3D relativistic and      non-relativistic Vlasov-Poisson systems, Kinetic      and Related Models, no 1, 1-19, 16(2023).

  3. (With A.      Ionescu, B.      Pausader, K. Widmayer) On the asymptotic behavior of      solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system, International      Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2022, no. 12,      8865–8889, 2022.

  4. Propagation of regularity and long time behavior      of 3D massive relativistic transport equation II: Vlasov-Maxwell system, Communications      in Mathematical Physics, Vol 389, no.2, pp 715--812, 2022.

  5. Propagation of regularity and long time behavior      of 3D massive relativistic transport equation I: Vlasov-Nordstrom system, Communications      in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 382 , pp 1843--1934, 2021.

  6. Global regularity for the $3D$ finite depth      capillary water waves, Annales scientifiques de      l' 'Ecole normale sup\'erieure, Vol 53, pp 847--943,      2020

  7. Global solution for the $3D$ gravity water waves      system above a flat bottom, Advances in Mathematics,      Vol. 346, 805-886, 2019.

  8. Global infinite energy solutions for the 2D      gravity water waves system, Communications on Pure      and Applied Mathematics, Vol 71 , no. 1, 90-162, 2018.

  9. On the 3-dimensional water waves system above a      flat bottom, Analysis & PDE,      Vol. 10 , no. 4, pp 893-928, 2017.

  10. Global solution for the $3D$ quadratic      Schr\"odinger equation of $Q(u, \bar{u})$ type, Discrete      and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Vol. 37 , no. 9, pp      5037-5048, 2017.

  11. Global existence for the $2D$ incompressible      isotropic elastodynamics for small initial data, Annales      Henri Poincar'e, Vol. 18 , no.4, pp 1213--1267, 2017.

  12. On global existence of $3D$ charge critical      Dirac-Klein-Gordon system, International Mathematics      Research Notices, Vol. 2015 , no. 21, pp 10801-10846, 2015.

  13. (With B.      Pausader, N.      Tzvetkov)Global regularity for the energy-critical NLS on      $\mathbb{S}^3$. Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e      Anal. NonLin\'eaire, Vol. 31, no 2, pp 315-338, 2014.

  14. A Beurling-H\"ormander theorem associated      with the Riemann-Liouville operator, Pacific      Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 251 , pp 239-255, 2011.


Acknowledgement: My works were supported by

  • NSFC-12141102 (2022–2026), not PI

  • MOST-2020YFA0713003(2020–2025), not PI

  • NSFC-11801299 (2018–2021), PI

  • Start-up grant from Tsinghua University      (2017–2019), PI