Research Areas
Applied Statistics, Econometrics, Health economics, Social insurance
Educational Background
1986-1989 Umeå University, B.A.
1989-1992 Stockholm School of Economics, Philosophy Licentiate (i.e. an extended Masters)
1993-1993 Umeå University, Ph.D
Work Experience
2020-now Professor YMSC, Tsinghua University
2015-now Chair Professor(Statistics) Uppsala University
2002-2015 Chair Professor(Economics) Uppsala University
1996-1999 Associate Professor(Economics) Umeå University
Honors and Awards
Labour Economics Prize Winner 2014.
Member of the Prize Committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
Research Fellow IZA 2009- now
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of CINCH (Competent in competition and health) Duisburg-Essen University 2014-now
Member of the Program board, The Research Council of Norway, Human Biobanks and Health Data 2014-2016
Member of the Program board, The Research Council of Norway, Welfare, Working Life and Migration (VAM) 2013-2018
Member of the research board of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency 2012-2018
Country team leader for the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) 2009 -2012
Member of the Swedish Social Council, 2009-2010
Member of the board of the Swedish council for working life and social research (FAS), 2006-2012
Leading researcher of the EU 6th Research Framework 512398 “Microdata Methods and Practice”, 2002-2008
Member in management committee of the Evaluation of the European labour market programs, COST action no A23, 2005-2009.
Honorary professor the School of Labor Economics Capital University of Economics and Business 2016
For more information