A Celebration of Fano Varieties and Singularities


The purpose of this workshop is to celebrate the final day of the Tsinghua seminar series on Fano varieties and singularities and related topics.

Date: May 23rd

Zoom ID: 262 865 5007

Passcode: YMSC

1:30pm – 2:30pm Yu Zou

Title: Singularities on Fano fibrations: proof of remaining results

3:00pm – 4:00pm Florin Ambro

Title: On toric Fano varieties.

4:30pm – 5:30pm Caucher Birkar

Title: Singularities on Fano fibrations: A Personal Story

We offer free food and accommodation to a limited number of attendees, including professors, postdocs, and students.

If you are interested, please scan to register. Thank you.