The Long March toward the Understanding of the Fundamental Nature of GRBs

主讲人 Speaker:Yu Wang
时间 Time: 周三17:30-18:30,2018-12-12
地点 Venue:清华大学近春园西楼三层报告厅

简介 Description


About ICRA and ICRANet:

ICRANet, the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network, is an international organization which promotes research activities in relativistic astrophysics and related areas. Its members are four countries and three Universities and Research Centers: the Republic of Armenia, the Federative Republic of Brazil, Italian Republic, the Vatican City State, the University of Arizona (USA), Stanford University (USA) and ICRA, the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (Rome, Italy). ICRANet headquarters are located in Pescara, Italy.