The Langlands program for Classical Groups

主讲人 Speaker:Wee Teck Gan (National University of Singapore)
时间 Time:Tues., 14:00-15:00, Feb. 25, 2025 & Thur., 16:30-17:30, Feb. 27, 2025
地点 Venue:Tues.: Room LG1-12, Jian Hua Building & Thur.: Room A109, Jian Hua Building (建华/经管新楼), Tsinghua University; Zoom Meeting ID: 276 366 7254 Passcode: YMSC


A major achievement in the Langlands program is Arthur's 2013 book on the endoscopic classification of square-integrable automorphic forms of  (quasi-split) classical groups. In the first lecture, I will summarize the main results of this book and some key ingredients of their proofs. In particular, some of the ingredients were at that point in time anticipated but not yet fully written down. Several of these ingredients have subsequently been addressed. In the second lecture, I will discuss a recent work with Hiraku Atobe, Atsushi Ichino, Tasho Kaletha, Alberto Minguez and Sug Woo Shin in which we supply most of the remaining ingredients.

Short Bio:

Wee Teck Gan is the Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at the National University of Singapore. He obtained his PhD from Harvard University under the supervision of Benedict Gross and has been a postdoc at Princeton University and a faculty member at  University of California, San Diego.  He was an invited speaker at ICM2014 and a winner of the President's Science Award (Singapore) in 2017.

