L-functions and Arithmetic Intersection Numbers

主讲人 Speaker:张伟
时间 Time: 周二、四14:00-15:00,2019-3-26 & 28
地点 Venue:清华大学近春园西楼三层报告厅

摘要 Abstract

We will discuss the Gross-Zagier theorem for modular curves and introduce its high dimensional generalizations, both over number fields and over function fields. The main objects of the talks are special values of L-functions and their connection to arithmetic intersection numbers of modular cycles, i.e., special algebraic cycles on the moduli space of abelian varieties with certain additional structures. In the end we discuss the arithmetic fundamental lemma conjecture which connects intersection numbers of modular cycles over p-adic fields to lattice-counting problems.

简介 Description

他与恽之玮因对Gan-Gross-Prasad猜想和函数域上L-函数的高阶导数公式做出的贡献同获2017科学突破奖之数学新视野奖。他在2018国际数学家大会上所作报告题目为“Periods, Cycles, and L -functions: A Relative Trace Formula Approach”。受Gross-Zagier和Waldspurger公式的启发,他回顾了关于自守周期积分的猜想和定理,志村簇上的特殊代数闭链,以及它们对于L-函数及其导数的中心值的联系。 着重于数域上的整体Gan-Gross-Prasad猜想和算术版本,讨论了相对迹公式和算术基本引理猜想等研究成果。