Venue: Room 110, Morningside Building, Chinese Academy of Sciences

15:00-16:00, Ziquan Yang
Title: Some Arithmetic Applications of Functional Transcendence
Abstract: A classical question in number theory is whether there are algebraic relations among given transcendental numbers. In functional transcendence theory, transcendental numbers are replaced with power series. Of particular interest is the case when the power series arise from variations of Hodge structures. I plan to give a survey talk on the arithmetic applications of functional transcendence results, including one from my joint work with Urbanik last year.
16:30-17:30, Yousheng Shi
Title: The Kudla-Rapoport Conjecture: knowns and unknowns
Abstract: The Kudla-Rapoport Conjecture is a precise identity between the arithmetic intersection number of special cycles on unitary or orthogonal Shimura varieties and the central derivative of Eisenstein series. It sheds light on the relation between L-functions and algebraic cycles. In this talk, I will discuss known results about this conjecture and some open problems.
Venue: Lecture Hall, Jiayibing Building, Jingchunyuan 82, BICMR
15:00-16:00 Yiwen Ding (Peking University)
Title: Hodge filtration and p-adic Langlands programme
Abstract: A basic problem in p-adic Langlands programme is to find the information of Hodge filtration in p-adic automorphic representations. In the talk, we will discuss some results, conjectures and speculations towards the problem.
16:30-17:30 Ping Xi (Xi'an Jiaotong University)
Title: Exponential/character sums in analytic number theory
Abstract: Applications of Fourier analysis to number theory create exponential and character sums. Estimates for such sums turn out to be very crucial in analytic number theory. We would like to show how the deep works of Weil, Deligne, Laumon, Katz, et al can be adapted to deal with such (incomplete) sums.
Time:Fri., 15:00-17:30, Sept. 27, 2024
Venue: Shuangqing C654 (note that the lecture room was changed)

15:00-16:00, Gerard van der Geer
Title: Picard modular forms and curves of genus three
Abstract: We discuss how to calculate traces of Hecke operators on Picard modular forms by the use of point counting of curves of genus three over finite fields. This is joint work with Jonas Bergstroem and Fabien Clery.
16:30-17:30, Yifeng Liu
Title: Bessel periods and Selmer groups over ordinary eigenvariety
Abstract: We (re)construct the ordinary part of the eigenvariety for a reductive group G from the module of integral ordinary distributions. For G=U(n)xU(n+1), we construct the Bessel periods as H-invariant distributions, in both definite and indefinite cases, where H is the diagonal subgroup of G appearing in the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture. Finally we relate such period to the characteristic divisor of the Selmer group of the standard Galois representation over the eigenvariety.