On the observation of supernovae in the late phases of Gamma-Ray Bursts

主讲人 Speaker:Remo Ruffini
时间 Time: 周四16:30-17:30,2018-8-9
地点 Venue:清华大学理科楼郑裕彤讲堂

摘要 Abstract

Gamma-Ray Bursts:
The cosmic objects with the largest electromagnetic luminosity in the Universe are the Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). In a finite time lasting less than 100s, the luminosity of such a single object equals the summed one of all the hundred billions of billions stars of the Universe. There are two main GRB families: the long GRBs, lasting more than 2s, and the short GRBs, lasting less than 2s. For a few decades, all GRBs were considered to originate from the formation of a standard isolated black hole with an ultrarelativistic jetted emission.

The single supernova evolution:
The understanding of single supernovae still presents some outstanding problems, in the attempt to explain the supernova ejecta only in terms of fermions fulfilling beta equilibrium undergiong gravitational collapse. What is clear is that, in the early phases of the gravitational collapse of the neutron star, a very rich process of nuclear burning occurs, leading to the formation of a core made by Nichel and Cobalt.

The cosmic matrix:
In all cases of long GRBs, the trigger originates in a supernova event occurring in a tight binary system composed of an evolved FeCO core and a companion neutron star. The further evolution of the system depends on the separation of the binary components. As a function of this separation, the hypercritical accretion of the supernova ejecta onto the companion neutron star may lead to the formation of a more massive neutron star or of a black hole: an authentic "cosmic matrix". The most striking results is that the optical emission of the supernova, peaking after 15 days, appears to be quite universal, independent of the different properties of the previous GRB phases.

简介 Description

雷莫·鲁菲尼(Remo Ruffini)教授是天体物理学领域著名教授,著有722篇论文和13部专著,主要成果包括提出玻色子恒星概念、中子星临界质量极限,合著《引入黑洞》(Introducing the Black Hole),并与贾科尼(Giacconi,诺贝尔奖得主,2002)一起,利用UHURU卫星数据首次发现银河系中的黑洞。鲁菲尼教授与欧洲、美国和中国的机构共同建立了国际相对论天体物理学中心(ICRA)2005年在意大利、亚美尼亚、法国和巴西建立了ICRANet

About ICRA and ICRANet:

ICRANet, the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network, is an international organization which promotes research activities in relativistic astrophysics and related areas. Its members are four countries and three Universities and Research Centers: the Republic of Armenia, the Federative Republic of Brazil, Italian Republic, the Vatican City State, the University of Arizona (USA), Stanford University (USA) and ICRA, the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (Rome, Italy). ICRANet headquarters are located in Pescara, Italy.