The Markov and Lagrange spectra and dynamical generalizations

主讲人 Speaker:Carlos Gustavo Moreira
时间 Time: 周一16:30-17:30, 2019-10-21
地点 Venue:清华大学近春园西楼三层报告厅

摘要 Abstract

We will discuss some classical and recent results on the Markov and Lagrange spectra from Diophantine approximations. We will relate these results to symbolic dynamics, continued fractions and to the study of the fractal geometry of arithmetic sums of regular Cantor sets, a subject also related to the study of homoclinic bifurcations in Dynamical Systems. We will also present some recent results on dynamical generalizations of these spectra.

简介 Description

Carlos Gustavo Moreira,1993年获得巴西国家理论数学与应用数学研究所(IMPA)博士学位,现任IMPA全职教授。他的主要研究领域是动力学系统、分形几何、数论(特别是丢番图逼近)和组合学。他曾于2009年获得UMALCA奖,2010年获得发展中国家科学院数学奖(TWAS数学奖),2018年获得国家数学竞赛世界联盟(WFNMC)颁发的保罗.厄多斯奖(Paul Erdös Award)。