Adaptive Acceleration for First-order Methods

组织者 Organizer:梁经纬
时间 Time: 周二 16:00 -17:00,2021 - 6 - 22
地点 Venue:近春园西楼三层报告厅

简介 Description

First-order operator splitting methods are ubiquitous among many fields through science and engineering, such as inverse problems, image processing, statistics, data science and machine learning, to name a few. In this talk, through the fixed-point sequence, I will first discuss a geometry property of first-order methods when applying to solve non-smooth optimization problems. Then I will discuss the limitation of current widely used “inertial acceleration” technique, and propose a trajectory following adaptive acceleration algorithm. Global convergence is established for the proposed acceleration scheme based on the perturbation of fixed-point iteration. Locally, connections between the acceleration scheme and the well-studied “vector extrapolation technique” in the field of numerical analysis will be discussed, followed by acceleration guarantees of the proposed acceleration scheme. Numeric experiments on various first-order methods are provided to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed adaptive acceleration scheme.

摘要 Abstract
