Quantum error correcting codes and fault tolerance

组织者 Organizer:Peter Shor
时间 Time: 2021年4月8日 北京时间21:00-22:30
地点 Venue:Zoom Online

简介 Description

We will go over the fundamentals of quantum error correction and fault tolerance and survey some of the recent developments in the field. Talk chair: Zhengwei Liu Registration:https://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/3516062319845/WN_9Qb6IBIfQ0ujujfLvue2eA

摘要 Abstract

Peter Williston Shor is an American professor of applied mathematics and computer science at MIT. He is a founder of quantum computation.  He designed an quantum algorithm factoring large numbers, well known as Shor’s algorithm, which is exponentially faster than best known algorithms running on classical computers theoretically. He constructed the the first quantum error-correcting code showing the possibility of fault-tolerant quantum computation. He was awarded many international prizes, including Nevanlinna PrizeGödel Prize  Dirac MedalMicius Quantum Prize.


Peter Williston Shor是美国麻省理工大学应用数学与计算机科学教授,是量子计算领域的奠基人之一。他基于量子计算设计的大数的质因数分解算法,即著名的舒尔算法,理论上比目前经典计算机使用的最优算法的计算速度有指数提升。他构造了第一个量子纠错码,展现了容错量子计算的可能性。他曾获得Nevanlinna PrizeGödel Prize Dirac MedalMicius Quantum Prize 等多个国际重要奖项。