Lightweight and Secure IoT-based Payment Protocols from Identity-based Signature

报告人 Speaker:Dr. Abubaker Wahaballa
时间 Time: Thurs. 2021-01-21 15:00-17:00
地点 Venue:Tencent meeting ID:587 003 034

简介 Description

IoT-based payment protocols enable consumers to use their connected devices to access their bank accounts and perform routine banking transactions from anywhere, at any time and with any device. However, consumers need to feel safe when interacting with IoT-based payment systems, and their personal information should be protected as much as possible. In this presentation, we introduce two lightweight and secure IoT-based payment protocols based on an identity-based signature scheme. We adopt a server-aided verification technique to construct the first scheme. This technique allows to outsource the heavy computation overhead on the sensor node to a cloud server while maintaining the user’s privacy. The second scheme is built upon a pairing-free ECC-based security protocol to avoid the heavy computational complexity of bilinear pairing operations. The security reduction results of both schemes are held in the Random Oracle Model (ROM) under the discrete logarithm and computational Diffie-Hellman assumptions. Finally, we experimentally compare the proposed schemes against each other and against the original scheme on the most commonly used IoT devices: a smartphone, a smartwatch and the embedded device Raspberry Pi 3. Compared with the original scheme, our proposed schemes achieve significant efficiency.

摘要 Abstract

<span font-size:18px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;" style="color:#404040">Dr. Abubaker Wahaballa currently is working as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department, Arab East Colleges for graduate studies. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of the Network and Data Security, School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China UESTC.  He received my PhD degree from UESTC in 2015. His current research interests include public key cryptography, network security, BitCoin, NFC payment security and IoT related privacy and security issues.