On the free boundary of the incompressible ideal MHD

报告人 Speaker:Chengchun HAO (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
时间 Time: 周二10:15-11:00,2019-4-23
地点 Venue:清华大学静斋105

简介 Description

We raised a Taylor-sign type condition for the free boundary of the incompressible ideal MHD flows with initial bounded smooth domain, and proved the a priori estimates of the solutions to nonlinear system. We also showed the ill-posedness of the solutions in Sobolev spaces when the Taylor-sign type condition is violated. This indicated that the Taylor-sign type condition is much necessary for the well-posedness of the solution in Sobolev spaces to this MHD free boundary problem in bounded smooth domain. This talk is based on the joint works with Tao Luo.

摘要 Abstract

Title: On the free boundary of the incompressible ideal MHD

Speaker: Chengchun HAO (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

10:15-11:00, April 23, 2019 (Jing Zhai 105)