YMSC-BJTU Geometry seminar

报告人 Speaker:Yujie Wu (Stanford University)
组织者 Organizer:Han Hong, Zhifei Zhu
时间 Time:Nov. 27, 2024, 10:30-11:30 am
地点 Venue:Online Zoom Meeting ID: 834 6034 2049 Password: 111111

Upcoming talk:

Date&Time: Nov. 27, 2024, 10:30-11:30 am

Venue: Online Zoom Meeting ID: 834 6034 2049 Password: 111111

Speaker: Yujie Wu (Stanford University)

Title: The $\mu$-bubble Construction of Capillary Surfaces

Abstract: We introduce a method of constructing (generalized) capillary surfaces via Gromov's "$\mu$-bubble" method. Using this, we study low-dimensional manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature and strictly mean convex boundary. We prove a fill-in question of Gromov, a band-width estimate, and a compactness conjecture of Martin. Li in the case of surfaces.
Introduction: Yujie Wu is currently a Ph.D. Student at Stanford University advised by Prof. Otis Chodosh. Her research focused on geometric analysis and PDEs, in particular minimal surface theory and the Allen Cahn equation.