Mathematics and AI for Imaging Seminars

报告人 Speaker:李依明(南方科技大学)
组织者 Organizer:包承龙
时间 Time:16:00-17:00, October 29, 2024
地点 Venue:双清综合楼C654


报告时间: 2024年10月29日 16:00-17:00

报告题目:Decoding Microscopy Images by Accurate Measurement of Point Spread Functions


报告摘要:The characterization and precise modeling of the point Spread Function (PSF) are essential for many microscopy imaging applications, such as single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), adaptive optics, and deconvolution. Traditional PSF modeling methods are usually limited by the complexity of the model, simplifying the physical model and only using a small number of experimental data sets, and cannot fully explore the rich information contained in a large amount of microscopy data. Here, I will present our recent works on data driven PSF modeling using either fluorescent beads or single blinking fluorophores. Particularly, I will introduce a new algorithm to extract a continuous PSF model from pixelated images. By using up sampled PSF model, we showed that we could improve the accuracy of conventional SMLM images and enable large field of view (FOV) super resolution imaging even with limited camera pixels, dramatically reducing the data volume of large FOV imaging.



人物简介与CV:李依明,南方科技大学研究员,国家海外高层次人才(青年项目)。2009、2010、2015年分别于上海交通大学、海德堡大学、卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院获得生物医学工程学士、医学物理硕士和生物物理博士学位。2016-2019年受玛丽居里博士后奖学金资助,分别在欧洲分子生物实验室和耶鲁大学任职博士后和访问学者。2019年底入职南方科技大学担任独立PI。研究方向为三维超高分辨显微成像技术及其生物应用。近年来以第一/通讯(含共同)发表多篇高影响力论文,包括Nature Methods(2018,2023,2024),Nature Communications(2022),Science Advances (2024) 等。主持了国自然面上、山东省重点研发计划、深圳市基础研究重点、深圳市医科委前沿探索等多个科研项目。他开发的软件在该领域最负盛名的软件大赛 SMLM 挑战赛中获得第一名。





Title: CUQI – Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems

Speaker:Per Christian Hansen, Technical University of Denmark

Abstract: Since 2019 we have worked on developing a practical framework for applying uncertainty quantification to inverse problems.

Our work contributes to the basis for UQ studies of a range of linear and nonlinear inverse problems with different priors and noise models. Specifically, building on the Bayesian framework we develop a modeling and computational platform, including an abstraction layer aimed at non-experts, which is implemented in the python software package CUQIpy.

In this talk I highlight some of our results and methods, with examples from X-ray computed tomography (CT). I describe how we handle uncertain projection angles, how we include structural priors tailored to the geometry of the scanned object, and how we use a goal-oriented approach to compute inclusion boundaries and their roughness. I also briefly describe our software package.

This is joint work with all the members of the CUQI project: The work is supported by a grant from the Villum Foundation.

Short bio: Per Christian Hansen is professor of scientific computing at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He received his PhD in 1985 and his Dr. Techn. (“habilitation”) in 1996, both from DTU. He is a SIAM Fellow, and he is currently heading the CUQI research project at DTU, which aims to create a modeling and computational platform to perform uncertainty quantification for inverse problems.

Before starting his professorship in 1996, Prof. Hansen was with Copenhagen University (1985–1988) and the Danish University Computing Center UNI•C (1988–1996). In 1986 he was at Stanford University, supported by a Fulbright grant, and I 1989 he was at UCLA. More recently, in 2020 he was at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, supported by the JSPS.

His specialization is numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, iterative reconstruction, uncertainty quantification, and computational methods for inverse problems – with applications in computed tomography, image deblurring, and signal analysis.


He is the author/coauthor of 5 books, and he has published 120+ scientific papers and 7 software packages.


Speaker: Yiqiu Dong

Title: Sampling Strategies in Sparse Bayesian Inference

Abstract: Regularization is a common tool in variational inverse problems to impose assumptions on the parameters of the problem. One such assumption is sparsity, which is commonly promoted using lasso and total variation-like regularization. Although the solutions to many such regularized inverse problems can be considered as points of maximum probability of well-chosen posterior distributions, samples from these distributions are generally not sparse. In this talk, we present a sampling strategy for an implicitly defined probability distribution that combines the effects of sparsity imposing regularization with Gaussian distributions. It extends the randomize-then-optimize (RTO) method to sampling from implicitly described continuous probability distributions. We study the properties of these regularized distributions, and compare the proposed method with Langevin-based methods, which are often used for sampling high-dimensional densities.  

Short bio: Yiqiu Dong was born in 1980 in Shandong, China. She received the B.Sc. degree in mathematics from Yantai University, Yantai, China, in 2002 and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Peking University under the supervision by Prof. Shufang Xu and Prof. Raymond Chan (Lingnan University, Hong Kong), Beijing, China, in 2007. She is currently associate professor in the Technical University of Denmark. Her research areas include inverse problem and variational methods, uncertianty quantification, mathematical imaging and optimization methods.





TITLE: Low-rank optimization on matrix and tensor varieties

SPEAKER: Bin Gao (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


In the realm of tensor optimization, low-rank tensor decomposition, particularly Tucker decomposition, stands as a pivotal technique for reducing the number of parameters and for saving storage. We embark on an exploration of Tucker tensor varieties—the set of tensors with bounded Tucker rank—in which the geometry is notably more intricate than the well-explored geometry of matrix varieties. We give an explicit parametrization of the tangent cone of Tucker tensor varieties and leverage its geometry to develop provable gradient-related line-search methods for optimization on Tucker tensor varieties. The search directions are computed from approximate projections of antigradient onto the tangent cone, which circumvents the calculation of intractable metric projections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work concerning geometry and optimization on Tucker tensor varieties. In practice, low-rank tensor optimization suffers from the difficulty of choosing a reliable rank parameter. To this end, we incorporate the established geometry and propose a Tucker rank-adaptive method that is capable of identifying an appropriate rank during iterations while the convergence is also guaranteed. Numerical experiments on tensor completion with synthetic and real-world datasets reveal that the proposed methods are in favor of recovering performance over other state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the rank-adaptive method performs the best across various rank parameter selections and is indeed able to find an appropriate rank.




















报告人:Bin Han (University of Alberta)

Title: Directional (Quasi)-tight Wavelet Framelets for Image Processing


Abstract: Directional representation systems can effectively capture edge singularities for many high-dimensional problems such as image processing. In this talk, we first discuss directional complex tight framelets and their applications to image/video processing. However, constructing compactly supported multivariate tight framelets is known to be a challenging problem because it is linked to sum of squares and factorization of multivariate Laurent polynomials in algebraic geometry. To circumvent this difficulty, next we introduce the notion of quasi-tight framelets, which behaves almost identical to a tight framelet. From an arbitrary compactly supported multivariate refinable function (such as refinable box splines) with a general dilation matrix, we constructively prove that we can always derive a directional compactly supported quasi-tight framelet with vanishing moments. Moreover, any 1D wavelets or framelets can be adapted into bounded intervals. Consequently, their tensor products can avoid the boundary effects and can be applied to many problems such as manifold data processing and spherical data processing


Short bio: Bin Han is a professor in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta. He got his bachelor's degree from Fudan University in 1991, a master's degree from the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica in 1994, and his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta in 1998. His research interests include computational mathematics, applied and computational harmonic analysis, and signal and image processing. He has published over 100 papers in various top journals in applied mathematics and serves on the editorial boards of several journals, such as Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis and the Journal of Approximation Theory.



Title: Amnesia Effects in Complex Light Scattering

Speaker:Qihang Zhang (Tsinghua University)




Abstract: Disordered media, such as fog, powder, emulsion, and biological tissue, induce complex distortion of light, resulting in intricate speckle patterns. The memory effect, a key speckle correlation, reveals the translational invariance of the scattered field for thin-layer media. The memory effect aids in understanding, manipulating, and reconstructing the field, forming the basis of applications such as imaging through turbid materials, complex beam shaping, and surface characterization. However, neglecting decorrelation in the memory effect becomes a bottleneck in these applications, particularly in the multi-scattering regime. In this work, we report an "amnesia effect" in complex scattering systems, which provides an analytical formula for speckle decorrelation under general conditions. The amnesia effect predicts that the decorrelation of back-scattered light is a linear combination of decorrelations from thin-layer scattering and volumetric scattering. This model achieves state-of-the-art accuracy even for strong and multi-scattering cases, potentially providing an advanced forward model for various inverse problems. As a proof-of-concept, we present two examples, model-based particle size estimation and reconstruction of the incident beam profile, to validate this improvement. Our conclusions incorporate a wide range of systems—however thin-layer, multi-layer or bulk materials—and apply to all complex wave scattering problems.


Bio: Qihang Zhang is currently a postdoc at Tsinghua University. He got his bachelor’s degree from the physics department of Tsinghua University in 2018 and got his Ph.D. from MIT electrical engineering and computer science department in 2023. He works on computational optics and develops novel approaches to combine machine learning and physical systems in different scenarios. His works were published in Nature Communications, Optics Letters. Some related work was also reported by MIT News. 


时间:6月20日 下午 16:00-17:00  



主讲人:李栋 清华大学生命科学学院




李栋,清华大学生命科学学院教授;2006年毕业于浙江大学光电信息工程学系,获工学学士学位;2011年毕业于香港科技大学获电子与计算机工程学系,获博士学位;2011-2015年在美国霍华德休斯医学研究所从事超分辨显微镜技术开发的博士后研究。目前,李栋研究员从事光学显微成像技术的开发与生命科学应用研究,特别是开发适于活体、高速、长时程、低损伤的超分辨荧光显微镜成像技术。首创了条纹激活非线性结构光显微镜、掠入射结构光超分辨显微镜,以及合理化深度学习超分辨成像等技术方法。代表性工作发表在Cell、Science、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Methods、Molecular Cell、Developmental Cell等期刊。