MCM-YMSC p-adic Geometry Learning Seminar

报告人 Speaker:Koji Shimizu (YMSC)
组织者 Organizer:Shizhang Li (MCM), Koji Shimizu (YMSC)
时间 Time:Monday 2:30-4 pm
地点 Venue:MCM 110

Title: Overview of the seminar

Talks this semester

We study the Lawrence-Venkatesh method in the Spring of 2025.

B. Lawrence and A. Venkatesh, Diophantine problems and p-adic period mappings, Invent. Math. 221 no.3 (2020), 893-999.

A. Betts and J. Stix, Galois sections and p-adic period mappings, Ann. Math. 201 no.1 (2025), 79-166.

Date: February 24

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Overview of the seminar

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)


Date: March 3

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Fibers with good reduction in a family

Speaker: Han Hu (PKU)


Date: March 17

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The S-unit equation



Date: March 24

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Outline of the argument for Mordell’s conjecture



Date: March 31

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Rational points on the base of an abelian-by-finite family



Date: April 7

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The Kodaira–Parshin family



Date: April 14

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The monodromy of Kodaira–Parshin families



Date: April 21

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Preliminaries on relative p-adic Hodge theory

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)


Date: April 28

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Abelian-by-finite families



Date: May19

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The Lawrence–Venkatesh locus



Date: May 26

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The Lawrence–Venkatesh obstruction for Selmer sections



Past talks:

We studied alterations and semistable reduction in the Fall of 2024.

Date: September 9

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Overview of the seminar

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

Date: September 23

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Semistable curves and normal crossing divisors

Speaker: Shizhang Li (MCM)

Date: October 14

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Alterations of varieties

Speaker: Weimufei Wu (PKU)

Date: October 21

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Semistable alterations

Speaker: Ruiping Gong (AMSS)

Date: October 28

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Semistable models for rigid-analytic spaces

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)


Date: November 4

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Toric varieties 1

Speaker: Qinru Zhong (AMSS)


Date: November 11

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Toric varieties 2

Speaker: Shengyu Hou (AMSS)


Date: November 18

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Toric varieties 3

Speaker: Ningjun Jiang (THU)


Date: November 25

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Toroidal embeddings

Speaker: Shengkai Mao (AMSS)


Date: December 2

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Semistable reduction theorem in characteristic 0

Speaker: Han Hu (PKU)



We studied rigid connections in the Spring of 2024.

The main goal of this seminar is to study various results around rigid connections: existence of a Frobenius structure on a rigid connection due to EsnaultGroechenig [EG23], application to Simpson's integral conjecture, and the Fourier transform algorithm for rigid connections on the projective line due to Katz and Arinkin [Ari10].

[Ari10] D. Arinkin, Rigid irregular connections on P1, Compos. Math. 146 (2010)

[EG23] H. Esnault and M. Groechenig, Cristallinity of rigid flat connections revisited, arXiv:2309.15949v2 (2023)

Date: May 27

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Proof of main results

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Date: May 20

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Rigidity index and rank of the Fourier transform

Speaker: Yezheng Gao (MCM)

Date: May 13

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Fourier transform preserves cohomological rigidity II

Speaker: Daxin Xu (MCM)

Date: May 6Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Fourier transform preserves cohomological rigidity

Speaker: Hongjie Yu (MCM)

Date: April 29

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Review of Fourier transform and local Fourier transform

Speaker: Xiecheng Nie (MCM)

Date: April 22Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 410

Title: Review of formal connections on a punctured disc

Speaker: Yupeng Wang (PKU)

Date: April 15Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Applications to integrality and p-curvature conjectures

Speaker: Jiahong Yu (PKU)

Date: April 8

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Integral Frobenius structure

Speaker: Zhaofeng Yu (Tsinghua)

Date: April 1

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Rational F-isocrystal property

Speaker: Chenglong Ma (PKU)

Date: March 25Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Frobenius pullback functor for flat connections

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

Date: March 18

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: p-adic topology on W-points of schemes and stacks

Speaker: Junwei Wu (MCM)

Date: March 11

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Higgs–de Rham flow

Speaker: Mao Sheng (YMSC)

Date: March 4

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Overview of the p-adic geometry learning seminar

Speaker: Daxin Xu (MCM)

We studied the Drinfeld half-spaces in the Fall of 2023.

The main goal of this semester is to learn topics related to Drinfeld half-spaces: basic properties, the Drinfeld theorem, and the Čerednik–Drinfeld uniformization theorem for Drinfeld half-plane [BC91]; the cohomology of the Drinfeld half-spaces [SS91, Dat06].

[BC91] Boutot and Carayol, Uniformisation p-adique des courbes de Shimura: les théorèmes de Čerednik et de Drinfeld

[SS91] Schneider and Stuhler, The cohomology of p-adic symmetric spaces

[Dat06] Dat, Espaces symétriques de Drinfeld et correspondance de Langlands locale

Date: December 18

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Cohomology complex and Galois representations

Speaker: Heng Du (YMSC)

Date: December 11

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Cohomology with compact support of Drinfeld half-space

Speaker: Zhefan Duan (Tsinghua)


Date: December 4

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Extensions of principal series representations

Speaker: Zicheng Qian (MCM)


Date: November 27

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Cohomology of quotient varieties

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Date: November 20

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Explicit expressions for the cohomology of Drinfeld half-space

Speaker: Yongquan Hu (MCM)


Date: November 13

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Cohomology of Drinfeld half-space and the Tits building

Speaker: Shuaishuai Duan (MCM)

Date: November 6

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Drinfeld half-spaces

Speaker: Yi Zhu (Tsinghua)

Date: October 30  

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The Čerednik–Drinfeld uniformization theorem

Speaker: Yihang Zhu (YMSC)

Date: October 23

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Drinfeld’s theorem: proof

Speaker: Yupeng Wang (PKU)


Date: October 16

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Drinfeld’s theorem: statement and construction

Speaker: Tian Qiu (PKU)

Date: October 9

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Special formal OD-modules over an algebraically closed field

Speaker: Jiahong Yu (PKU)

Date: September 25

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Moduli interpretation and the Cartier theory

Speaker: Shanwen Wang (RUC)


Date: September 18

Time: 2:30-4 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Overview of the p-adic geometry learning seminar

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

We studied the prismatic F-gauges in the Spring of 2023.

Date: May 29

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Syntomic cohomology and Galois cohomology II

Speaker: Shanwen Wang (RUC)

Date: May 22

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Syntomic cohomology and Galois cohomology I

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

Date: May 8

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Syntomification

Speaker: Heng Du (YMSC)

Date: April 24

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Filtered prismatization

Speaker: Jiahao Niu (AMSS)

Date: April 17

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Prismatization

Speaker: Jiedong Jiang (BICMR)

Date: April 10

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Syntomic cohomology in characteristic p

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Date: April 3

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Syntomification in characteristic p

Speaker: Yichao Tian (MCM)


Date: March 27

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Gauges over k

Speaker: Daxin Xu (MCM)

Date: March 20

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Prismatization over k

Speaker: Shanwen Wang (RUC)

Date: March 13

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The conjugate filtration

Speaker: Shizhang Li (MCM)

Date: March 6

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The de Rham cohomology of p-adic formal schemes

Speaker: Shizhang Li (MCM)

Date: February 27

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: The de Rham cohomology in characteristic 0

Speaker: Yupeng Wang (MCM)

Date: February 20

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Filtrations and endomorphisms

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

We studied the BanachColmez spaces in the Fall of 2022.

Date: December 26

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom ID: 466 356 2952, Passcode: mcm1234)

Title: Semistable comparison theorem

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Date: December 19

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom ID: 466 356 2952, Passcode: mcm1234)

Title: Syntomic cohomology and (phi, Gamma)-modules

Speaker: Shanwen Wang (Renmin University of China)

Date: December 12

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom ID: 466 356 2952, Passcode: mcm1234)

Title: Overview and local syntomic computations

Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

Date: December 5

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom ID: 466 356 2952, Passcode: mcm1234)

Title: The category \mathscr{BC} in terms of the Fargues–Fontaine curve

Speaker: Heng Du (YMSC)

Date: November 28

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom ID: 466 356 2952, Passcode: mcm1234)

Title: Pro-etale cohomology of affine spaces

Speaker: Ruochuan Liu (Peking University)

Date: November 21

Time: 2-3:30 pm
Venue: Online

Title: Banach—Colmez spaces
Speaker: Jiedong Jiang (BICMR)

Date: November 14

Time: 2-3:30 pm
Venue: MCM 110

Title: Weakly admissibility implies admissibility
Speaker: Zekun Chen (BICMR)

Date: November 7

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Fundamental exact sequence

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Date: October 31

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: p-adic period rings

Speaker: Daxin Xu (MCM)

Special Lecture

Date: October 31
Time: 4:15-5:30 pm
Venue: Lecture Hall, Jin Chun Yuan West Bldg.
Title: Overview of the Emerton-Gee stack and beyond

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Date: October 24

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Finite-dimensional Banach Spaces

Speaker: Zhefan Duan (Tsinghua)

Date: October 17  

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Vector Spaces  

Speaker: Yupeng Wang (MCM)  

Date: October 10

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: A funny field \mathfrak{C}

Speaker: Qijun Yan (BICMR)

Date: September 26

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Sympathetic closure

Speaker: Yongquan Hu (MCM)

Date: September 19

Time: 2-3:30 pm

Venue: MCM 110

Title: Sympathetic algebras

Speaker: Shizhang Li (MCM)

Date: September 5

Time: 3:30-5 pm

Venue: MCM 110
Title: Introduction and organization  
Speaker: Koji Shimizu (YMSC)