主讲人 Speaker:Alice Xiang
时间 Time: 每周二、周四15:20-16:55, 2019-10-15 ~ 11-7
地点 Venue:清华大学近春园西楼第一会议室
does it mean for an algorithm or decision-making process to be fair? When
making decisions using data, how do we account for historical biases or
systemic inequalities? Starting with affirmative action in the United States,
this course explores the methodological, ethical, and legal ramifications of
quantitative decision-making. In the
context of affirmative action, this course will review the empirical literature
and evolving legal doctrine that reflect how courts and policymakers in the
United States have struggled with these questions. This course then reviews the
literature on algorithmic fairness, examining definitions of fairness and
efforts to create fair machine learning models. In particular, this course will
explore what causal inference frameworks can offer in addressing these issues.
This is an interdisciplinary course, with readings that span the fields of
statistics, computer science, economics, and law. This is also an applied
course that will connect abstract concepts of fairness to issues in American
criminal justice, higher education, and the labor market.
textbook required. A syllabus with the readings will be distributed.