任课教师 Speaker:田垠
时间 Time: 每周四09:50-11:25、每周五13:30-15:05 2020-2-20 ~ 4-10
地点 Venue:宁斋W11
course is to give an introduction to categorification from topological and
algebraic point of view. We will discuss Khovanov homology as a
categorification of the Jones polynomial. On the algebraic side, we will
discuss categorified quantum group theory, due to Khovanov-Lauda, Rouquier and
little homological algebra will be helpful but not necessary.
M. Khovanov, A categorification of the Jones polynomial, Duke Math. J. 101
(2000), no. 3, 359-426, arXiv:math/9908171.
A. D. Lauda, A categorification of quantum sl(2), Advances in Mathematics, 225,
Issue 6, (2010), pp 3327-3424, arXiv:0803.3652.
[3] Khovanov and
Asaeda, Notes on link homology, arXiv:0804.1279.