Topics on trace formula and relative local harmonic analysis

任课教师 Speaker:徐斌、蔡立
时间 Time: 每周三、周五09:50-11:25 2020-2-19 ~ 6-5
地点 Venue:宁斋W11

课程描述 Description

In the first half of the course, we will give an introduction to Arthur’s trace formula following his Clay notes. In the second half of the course, we will talk about Raphael Beuzart-Plessis’ paper “Plancherel formula for GLn(F)\GLn(E) and applications to the Ichino-Ikeda and formal degree conjectures for unitary groups”.

Prof. Xu Bin's
Prof. Cai Li's

预备知识 Prerequisites

Automorphic forms

参考资料 References

Arthur, An introduction to the Trace formula, Clay Mathematical Proceedings Volume 4, 2005

Raphael Beuzart-Plessis, Plancherel formula for GLn(F)∖GLn(E) and applications to the Ichino-Ikeda and formal degree conjectures for unitary groups,