Dynamics on Moduli Spaces

任课教师 Speaker:张翼华
时间 Time: 每周一、周三09:50-11:25 2020-2-17 ~ 3-18、3-30 ~ 5-13
地点 Venue:近春园西楼三层报告厅

课程描述 Description

Geodesic flow of the modular surface, continued fractions and Diophantine approximation, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Dani correspondence and Schmidt games, Gauss map and Poincare sections, measured foliations and Teichmuller flows, Veech surfaces and Masur Divergence.


预备知识 Prerequisites

Familiarity with basic notions (group action, topological space, differential form, Riemann surface, Lebesgue measure) and a strong desire for a glimpse of their coordinated use in applications as opposed to development of general theory.

参考资料 References

Einsiedler-Ward, Ergodic Theory with a view towards Number Theory, GTM 259

Masur-Tabachnikov, Rational billiards and flat structures, in Handbook of Dynamical Systems, Vol 1A