


2012-2016 物理学学士 智利瓦尔帕莱索天主教大学

2017-2019 物理学硕士 智利安德烈斯贝洛大学

2019-2023 数学科学博士 英国杜伦大学


1. 2019-2023:国外博士奖学金,智利奖学金,ANID;

2. 2019-2020:杜伦大学数学科学系Quayle研究生助学金。


1. Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez, Adolfo Cisterna, Felipe Diaz, and Ruth Gregory, “Accelerating black holes in 2 + 1 dimensions: holography revisited”, JHEP09(2023)122 [arXiv: 2308.00613].

2. Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez, Felipe Diaz, and Yerko Novoa, “Thermal fluctuations of black holes with non-linear electrodynamics and charged Renyi entropy”, JHEP05(2023)072 [arXiv: 2211.06355].

3. Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez, Felipe Diaz, and Per Sundell, “Logarithmic corrections, entanglement entropy, and UV cutoffs in de Sitter spacetime”. JHEP08(2022)261 [arXiv: 2206.10427].

4. Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez, Ruth Gregory, and Andrew Scoins, “On acceleration in three dimensions”, JHEP05(2022)063 [arXiv: 2202.08823].

5. Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez, Robert B. Mann, Olivera Miskovic, and Rodrigo Olea, “Mass in Lovelock Unique Vacuum gravity theories”, PhysRevD. 100.064038 [arXiv: 1905.10840].

6.  Gabriel Arenas-Henriquez, Olivera Miskovic, and Rodrigo Olea, “Vacuum Degeneracy and Conformal Mass in Lovelock AdS Gravity”. JHEP11(2017)128 [arXiv: 1710.08512].