


2018 博士 物理 麻省理工学院


2018-2023 资深博士后研究员 圆周理论物理研究所


(For a full publication list see https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sZ5NyOYAAAAJ&hl=en)

- Zimu Li, Han Zheng, ZWL, “Efficient quantum pseudorandomness under conservation laws”, arXiv:2411.04893.

- Linghang Kong, Zimu Li, ZWL, “Convergence efficiency of quantum gates and circuits”, arXiv:2411.04898.

- Fuchuan Wei, ZWL, “Noise robustness and threshold of many-body quantum magic”, arXiv:2410.21215.

- Yixu Wang, Yijia Xu, ZWL, “Encoded quantum gates by geometric rotation on tessellations”, arXiv:2410.18713.

- Kun Fang, ZWL, “Surpassing the fundamental limits of distillation with catalysts”, arXiv:2410.14547.

- Zimu Li, Han Zheng, Junyu Liu, Liang Jiang, ZWL, “Designs from local random quantum circuits with SU(d) symmetry”, PRX Quantum 5, 040349 (2024). arXiv:2309.16556.

- Yifei Wang, Yixu Wang, Yu-An Chen, Wenjun Zhang, Tao Zhang, Jiazhong Hu, Wenlan Chen, Yingfei Gu, ZWL, “Efficient fault-tolerant implementations of non-Clifford gates with reconfigurable atom arrays”, npj Quantum Inf. 10, 136 (2024). arXiv:2312.09111.

- Jinmin Yi, Weicheng Ye, Daniel Gottesman, ZWL, “Complexity and order in approximate quantum error-correcting codes”, Nature Physics 20, 1798-1803 (2024). arXiv:2310.04710. Highlighted by Nature Physics research briefing. Featured by Tsinghua University News, Inside the Perimeter, Phys.org, Newswise, Sciencenewsnet.in, Physics World.

- Linghang Kong, ZWL, “Near-optimal covariant quantum error-correcting codes from random unitaries with symmetries”, PRX Quantum 3, 020314 (2022). arXiv:2112.01498.

- ZWL, Sisi Zhou, “Approximate symmetries and quantum error correction”, npj Quantum Inf. 9, 119 (2023). arXiv:2111.06355.

- ZWL, Sisi Zhou, “Quantum error correction meets continuous symmetries: fundamental trade-offs and case studies”, arXiv:2111.06360.

- Bobak Toussi Kiani, Giacomo De Palma, Milad Marvian, ZWL, Seth Lloyd, “Quantum Earth Mover’s Distance: A New Approach to Learning Quantum Data”, Quantum Sci. Technol. 7, 045002 (2022). arXiv:2101.03037.

- Seth Lloyd, Giacomo De Palma, Can Gokler, Bobak Kiani, ZWL, Milad Marvian, Felix Tennie, Tim Palmer, “Quantum algorithm for nonlinear differential equations”, arXiv:2011.06571. Featured by Quanta Magazine.

- ZWL, Andreas Winter, “Many-body quantum magic”, PRX Quantum 3, 020333 (2022). arXiv:2010.13817.

- Tyler Ellison, Kohtaro Kato, ZWL, Timothy Hsieh, “Symmetry-protected sign problem and magic in quantum phases of matter”, Quantum 5, 612 (2021). arXiv:2010.13803. Inside the Perimeter Cover Story.

- Kun Fang, ZWL, “No-go theorems for quantum resource purification II: new approach and channel theory”, PRX Quantum 3, 010337 (2022). arXiv:2010.11822.

- Sisi Zhou, ZWL, Liang Jiang, “New perspectives on covariant quantum error correction”, Quantum 5, 521 (2021). arXiv:2005.11918.

- Kun Fang, ZWL, “No-go theorems for quantum resource purification”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 060405 (2020) (Selected as “Editors’ Suggestion”, “Featured in Physics”). arXiv:1909.02540. Featured by Physics, Phys.org.

- Aram Harrow, Linghang Kong, ZWL, Saeed Mehraban, Peter Shor, “A Separation of Out-of-time-ordered Correlator and Entanglement”, PRX Quantum 2, 020339 (2021). (Selected as “Editors’ Suggestion”). arXiv:1906.02219.

- ZWL, Kaifeng Bu, Ryuji Takagi, “One-shot operational quantum resource theory”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 020401 (2019) (Selected as “Editors’ Suggestion”). arXiv:1904.05840. Inside the Perimeter Cover Story.

- Ryuji Takagi, Bartosz Regula, Kaifeng Bu, ZWL, Gerardo Adesso, “Operational advantage of quantum resources in subchannel discrimination”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140402 (2019) (Selected as “Editors’ Suggestion”).

- ZWL, Andreas Winter, “Resource theories of quantum channels and the universal role of resource erasure”, arXiv:1904.04201.

- ZWL, Seth Lloyd, Yechao Zhu, Huangjun Zhu, “Entanglement, quantum randomness, and complexity beyond scrambling”, J. High Energy Phys. 07 (2018) 041. arXiv:1703.08104.

- ZWL, Seth Lloyd, Yechao Zhu, Huangjun Zhu, “Generalized entanglement entropies of quantum designs”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 130502 (2018). arXiv:1709.04313.

- ZWL, Xueyuan Hu, Seth Lloyd, “Resource Destroying Maps”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 060502 (2017). arXiv:1606.03723.