2010-2015 博士 亚利桑那大学
2021/12-至今 助理教授 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心
2020/9-2021/11 助理研究员 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院
2018/9-2020/8 访问助理教授 上海纽约大学
2015/9-2018/8 博士后 上海纽约大学
[18] Thermodynamic limit of the first Lee-Yang zero, joint with C. M. Newman, to appear in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2023.
[17] Motion of Lee-Yang zeros, joint with Q. Hou and C. M. Newman, Journal of Statistical Physics, 190, Article number 56, 2023.
[16] Monotonicity of Ursell functions in the Ising model, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2023.
[15] Ising model with Curie-Weiss perturbation, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Journal of Statistical Physics, 188, Article number 5, 2022.
[14] The Gaussian process for particle masses in the near-critical Ising model, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, arXiv:2111.05134, 2021.
[13] The effect of free boundary conditions on the Ising model in high dimensions, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 181(1):311–328, 2021.
[12] Conformal measure ensembles and planar Ising magnetization: a review, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 27(4): 631-663, 2021.
[11] A Gaussian process related to the mass spectrum of the near-critical planar Ising model, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Journal of Statistical Physics, 179: 885-900, 2020.
[10] A CLT for the total energy of the two-dimensional critical Ising model, ALEA: Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 17(2): 759-773, 2020.
[9] FK-Ising coupling applied to near-critical planar models, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 130(2): 560-583, 2020.
[8] Exponential decay for the near-critical scaling limit of the planar Ising model, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 73(7): 1371-1405, 2020.
[7] Critical first-passage percolation starting on the boundary, joint with C.-L. Yao, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129(6): 2049-2065, 2019.
[6] A note on exponential decay in the random field Ising model, joint with F. Camia and C. M. Newman, Journal of Statistical Physics, 173(2): 268-284, 2018.
[5] The difference between a discrete and continuous harmonic measure, joint with T. Kennedy, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 30(4): 1424-1444, 2017.
[4] Exploration processes and SLE_6, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 23(3): 445-466, 2017.
[3] A relationship between fixed time Wiener measures and Wiener measures with fixed endpoints, Journal of Statistical Physics, 156(1): 177-188, 2014.
[2] Russo's formula, uniqueness of the infinite cluster and continuous differentiability of free energy for continuum percolation, joint with S. Zhang and T. Guo, Journal of Applied Probability, 48(3): 597-610, 2011.
[1] A convergence rate in a martingale CLT for percolation clusters, joint with S. Zhang and T. Guo, Journal of University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 27(5): 577-583, 2010.